måndag, september 28, 2009

Google resultat!

Googlade runt på nätet under reklam pausen och snubblade över en text om rättigheter, tänker att rättigheterna gäller Dig lika mycket som mig. Skillnaden är kanske bara att jag är en överlevare och inte Du? Eller så är Du också en överlevare? Och då kan vi kanske hjälpa varandra att komma ihåg, att vi också har rättigheter, precis som alla andra människor som snubblar runt på jorden och i cybervärlden. Hoppas bara att Din engelska är bra...


I, the survivor, have the right to pursue happiness in it’s safest and most beneficial forms. I am free to find love, contentment and satisfaction in every day life.

I, the survivor, have the right to let go of old patterns and create new ones. I have the right to eat and feel good. I have a right to privacy in thought, in spirit and in my home. I have the right to make choices based on morals and values that I adopt as my own. I have the right to use the word “no” even when it offends others.

I, the survivor, have the right to be treated as an adult, and as an equally respected human being. I have the right to dismiss those who have proven that they cannot accept my reasonable personal boundaries. I have the right to be who I was born to be.

I, the survivor, have the right to peace of mind, to a good night’s sleep, to a memory painted with colours and not gray and black. I have the right to justice. I have the right to assert my rights; assertion of rights is what separates a survivor from a victim. I have the right to be a survivor.